What to Expect the Day Your Braces Come Off

Traditional braces treatment can take up to two years or longer if you’re unlucky. Awaiting that magical day when the braces come off is something that all teens daydream about. It might feel like it’s been an eternity since you even saw most of your teeth. What will they look like? You may have heard horror stories about braces coming off only to reveal a row of decayed teeth, but that’s only a myth, especially if you’ve done your best to clean your teeth—and braces—after each meal. So what exactly can you expect the day your braces come off?

It’s a Long Appointment

First off, get ready for a long appointment. This is no easy on, easy off situation. Braces brackets are attached with dental cement and, while your dentist won’t be using a hammer drill, there will be a bit of work involved to get everything off. First the wires have to be unthreaded, then each bracket must be loosened from each tooth individually. YourLake Forest, IL orthodontist at Goshgarian Orthodontics recommends that you bring something soothing you can listen to with earbuds so you can relax while this part is going on.

There’s More Work to be Done

After the braces are off, your teeth are going to feel rough. That’s leftover dental cement. The dental hygienist will get to work sanding and polishing each tooth until each one is nice and smooth.

It’s Going to Feel Funny

Remember the day you got braces put on? There was a tiny adjustment period. For a few hours, it’s going to feel funny not having braces. But you’ll get used to it really fast, don’t worry!

The fun part is going to be showing off your new teeth to all your friends and family! Thebraces in Lake Forest, IL will have worked like a charm and now you can enjoy a lifetime of gorgeous teeth!

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